Boise Outdoor Gear Sale
June 27, 2020
***Gear Up For Summer At Your Local Outdoor Shops***
Your favorite, local outdoor shops are coming together to promote great deals, inspire outdoor recreation, and get you geared up for summer!
Outdoor Exchange wanted a way to bring together the outdoor community in a unique and fun way, so we have put together this one day event-The Boise Outdoor Gear Sale! The day of the sale- Visit any/all of the participating local shops to score amazing deals on summer inventory and support the incredible local gear shops in town! Each shop will feature special deals and promotions on summer inventory, as well as, offer knowledge on specific outdoor activities!
HAVE GEAR TO SELL-Drop off the gear you want to sell to Outdoor Exchange before the event (June 15th-June 24th) and we will get it checked in, priced, and ready to sell! You receive 50-80% back when your items sell!
Outdoor Exchange
1405 W. Grove Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Boise Bicycle Project
1027 S. Lusk Street
Boise, Idaho 83706
Boise Gear Collective
671 S. Capitol Blvd
Boise, Idaho 83702
Idaho Mountain Touring
1310 W. Main Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Idaho River Sports
601 N. Whitewater Park Blvd
Boise, Idaho 83702
McU's & Alpenglow Mountain Sports
2314 N. Bogus Basin Road
Boise, Idaho 83702
Outdoor Exchange
1405 W. Grove Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Reed Cycle
2340 N. Bogus Basin Road
Boise, Idaho 83702
As you shop, we ask everyone to be respectful of social distancing measures being taken at each shop and masks are required at many participating locations.